Saturday, February 20, 2016

Sleep, Sleep, Sleep?

"Oh, there ain't no rest for the wicked."
                   - Ain't No Rest for the Wicked, Cage the Elephant
I'm tired.
So incredibly tired.
I couldn't even get my last two posts for the week up until today: the day after.
I decided to run an experiment last, to sleep as long as I could since for once, there were no obligations this Saturday.
So I did.
I woke up mentally refreshed, but my body still seemed to be begging for more rest.
Other times during the week, I'll get maybe six or seven hours of sleep, wake up physically ready to go but feel like a zombie inside.
I've been told often that stress messes with your health in more ways than one. This is becoming more apparent with each week.
So I inquire to my more-experienced peers: how do you guys handle it all?
Thank you all and have a good weekend!



  1. Honestly, I just power through it. I don't really know any other way to operate. Sorry if this doesn't help.

  2. I've been having a similar week, energy-wise. Some ways I cope with weariness: I try to get started on my evening activities almost immediately after dinner so they will be done sooner, I aim for a somewhat ridiculously early bedtime so that even if I run behind schedule I can still usually get to bed at a decent hour, I turn off electronics at least 15 mins. before bed and keep them off overnight, and then when I get a free day, I do what you did and try to get extra sleep.

    Of course, sometimes I still fail at all of this, but I keep trying, because I hate the way exhaustion tends to sap creativity. You can often manage the banal routine stuff on minimal sleep, but creative energy can't be so easily contrived... take it easy, friend...
