Back from my trip to college! So here are these overdue reviews:
-Robert Burns
Okay, let’s be honest. I chose this poem and the other two because they were a few that I could actually make sense of the words since there was limited Scottish dialect.
For this piece, I heard him talking about how there are many bad things that hurt us emotionally, the worst of which being that which we bring on ourselves. It’s bad when people usually just blame others for problems, but it’s even worse when we blame ourselves and become consumed by remorse. Then we realize how many other people we’ve blamed and gotten involved in our messes and the remorse merely multiplies itself. The most envious kind of person is he who can control his remorse and make amends to set himself to peace.
I feel this ending thought is the true embodiment of what to be envious of. People may think to be envious of someone who can feel no remorse, but that would only be jealousy of a monster. Burns circumvents this by describing who people really should be envious of.